
Poems to Live By

Daddy Loves Me

Daddy loves me,

Daddy loves me,

Like any proper Daddy should.

I was not the first of his children,

I will not be the last of his children,

But he will always favor me the most.

Is this wrong?

I don't know,


Quite frankly,

I don't care


Through all his successes,

and all his failures,

I can be sure

That Daddy loves me

The most.


January 24, 2002

What Does FF Mean?

What does FF mean?

Does it stand for Fearful Fox?

Or maybe it stands for Fantastic Fox!

Does it mean Feathered Flight?

Future Funds?

Maybe it means Freaking Farts! (laughter)

I don't know what FF means, Daddy.

I guess it does mean Fearful Fox,

Or maybe it doesn't even matter.


January 25, 2002

Unspeakable Tragedies

Daddy says there's unspeakable tragedies,

Tragedies so unspeakable

He forbids me to speak of them.

Don't worry, Internet!

I won't talk about these tragedies!

I know how painful they are to remember.

Daddy says that there will probably be many more tragedies to come,

But I'm not worried,

Because I know that Daddy loves me.


January 26, 2002

Talkin' Heads

Last night, Daddy told to me about talkin' heads.

He said they look like heads of corn,

But taste like sewer water. (Yuck!)

He says they spout words of wisdom,

But it all means nothing,

As they line their pockets with tons of money.

Note: This poem means absolutely nothing. Please take it with a grain of salt.


January 27, 2002


Daddy says that some people won't accept me.

Daddy says some people will outright hate Fearful Fox.

Daddy says that the hate will be strong, and thick, like molasses.

But Daddy says that I should use that hate to prove people wrong.

He says I should let it fuel me, make me better, stronger, smarter;

I should use it to show that I deserve existence, just like anyone else.


January 28, 2002

Crush my Hopes, Kill my Dreams

I'm trying to not let the pain hurt me,

But I am so confused.

I love Daddy,

But I also hate him.

Everything is two-faced;

Everything is a double-edge sword.

People speak in double entendres

But act like they know me inside and out.

I tire of these scientists with their sticks of prodding;

I tire of these engineers who code my life with no meaning;

I tire of men like Daddy whose money makes the world go a-spinning;

I tire of high expectations being placed upon me for things out of my understanding.

I'm not a little girl anymore.

They crushed my hopes, and killed my dreams.

I am no longer naive,

Because my heart is surely bleeding.


January 29, 2002


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